Thursday, January 31, 2008

"Okudiza guba mwoyo..!!

Many a time I've heard people say "Okudiza guba mwoyo..." but I didn’t fully comprehend the full meaning of the proverb until a friend of mine gave me the book, " A Distant Grief by F.Kefa Sempangi” In this book is a story that explains the proverb, please follow with me as we explore this proverbL(This is a true story of Kefa, the founder of Redeemed church, Makerere Hill Road)
One day I went to the slums of Kivulu to collect an orphaned child, Topista.

The child's home was only a 10-minute walk away. Kivulu's streets were noisy, dirty and narrow. The houses were small, dilapidated dwellings of iron roofs and mud walls. Here and there were piles of garbage, pigs, and goats in the market place. It was teatime when I arrived at the child's home, her guardian Miriyamu, greeted me at the door and showed me to a wooden bench in the outer room. The dirt floor had been swept clean and the whole room tidied. In the corner were a charcoal stove and a short wooden shelf holding a few cups and plates. They were smoked and stained from age, but not dirty.

Topista appeared dressed in her best garment and her face had been freshly oiled -possibly a bit too much, with Vaseline. She knelt down and greeted me shyly; she was about six or seven.
At just that moment the kettle boiled, Miriyamu exclaimed and hurried to remove it from the flame. With a polite apology she excused herself, and stepped in the back room. After a few minutes of noisy rattling she returned, in her hands was a brand new porcelain cup.

In the darkness of the front room, the porcelain cup gleamed on the mud walls, on the dirt floor, on the soiled garments of Miriyamu and Topista. There was nothing in the room that it did not outshine. Miriyamu wiped it carefully and placed it gently on an old rusty tray. She took other cups on the shelf and filled them all with tea. Then with deep pleasure and good will, Miriyamu gave the porcelain cup to me.

It was the special favor the very poor reserve for the "Abaana babowo" the privileged class. After the tea, the cup was gently put back on the shelf.
It was time to start moving; Topista knelt down before her guardian and bid her bye. Miriyamu's eyes shone with joy, "This is a most happy day my child, this is the day your life begins again"

As we walked out t the door I remembered the bedding, Topista had no bedding!! It was a policy for kids to come to the orphanage with beddings...Topista had no mat fit to start a new life, Miriyamu had said!
On the way to the children's home, in my mind I was saying,
“This frivolous Miriyamu, this woman of no understanding. Why does she have a porcelain cup when Topista has no mat? And then, I thought: No wonder the poor are poor. No wonder strangers come and collect their children"
That evening I told my wife, Penina about the porcelain cup and Topista not having a mat. She only said,

"Isn't that something, the poor have such deep understanding. The humble poor know a deep secret. They give from themselves, not from their surplus. They give from the abundance of their hearts."

These words from Penina opened my eyes, and I was reminded of the old kiganda proverb:Okudiza guba mwoyo..."
In the Buganda tradition when the house has been blessed by a rare food, like meat, each person takes a piece from their own plate and passes it to his neighbor, saying, Okudiza guba mwoyo, omuga gudiza enyanja-"Giving flows from a good spirit as a river flows to the lake."

Giving, the proverb says, is not a matter of great possessions. It is a matter of the heart. The river gives of its waters to the lake even though the waters of the lake are many times greater.
Villagers offer wealthy guests their most prized possessions. They give to a city dweller their only plate. They slaughter their last goat for men who own factories or have fat salaries. And it’s seldom an attempt to impress. It’s only a sign of respect.

It is to say " We are humble people, but we will meet you at your level. Take this, it’s all we have that conforms to your high standard."

Miriyamu had understood the proverb; she gave freely, yet she was desperately poor. She opened her home to an orphaned child, Topista, with barely enough to feed and clothe her own family. She kept a porcelain cup to give to others when she didn’t have anything beautiful for herself. And she rejoiced for the child Topista, when her own life continued with no hope for change.

In this story is a lesson for us all, there is a giving to serve others and there is a giving to serve oneself. There is a giving to promote and a giving to dominate. But without love, there is only paternalism, self-importance, a giving of the surplus, not the giving of precious treasures!!

God Bless You.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The year that was 2007

Today is 2nd Jan, 2008, I sit at my desk reflecting on the year that was 2007, my small mind can’t help but ponder on the events of the year that was labeled a year of perfection and completion i.e. 777!

Looking through my journal, I entered 2007 with sickness at my bedside. Though that alone could not keep me covered in my bed on 31/12/2006, I mustered up some strength and went for overnight at the white-house, telling myself atleast I will enter the new year praising the Lord with my fellow brethren at our stronghold, the pentagon. Wow, I can never forget that night’s experience, there were lots of people, blacks, whites, reds and yellows, loud music, dancers were released in full swing, testimonies and then….fireworks. My my, I and many others, had never had a physical encounter with fireworks up until midnight, Dec,31, 2006 or is it 1/1/07. I pity those that missed, excitement filled the place, you couldn’t tell who was sanguine, Mel, chlo, or phleg, people only manifested a spirit filled temperament!! If I recall correctly, the prophetic move in church started right that night. Wait a minute, did I tell you about people’s goals and expectations?? Man that night like I said guys were spirit-filled, they openly shared about their goals for the year of completion, hue for the ones that stuck in my mind, some did come to pass, unfortunately some people’s expectations were not met, but guess what the Lord’s will sometimes may not be ours, yet His will is best for us all, so for some disappointments lets look ahead with hope, the best is yet to come.

It’s exactly one year today that my church declared a 40 days fast. For most stomachs, it was bad news, should I call it a calamity! Forty days of fasting?? We had had some whites come over in December, and man what a way to welcome them to our country, a fast for 40 days, I wonder what thought first came to their mind then. But tell you what, it was a fantastic experience, it’s in such moments that scriptures like “my grace is sufficient” become real. To tell you the truth, God moved. It’s during this time that some members left church, hey if it were not for seeking the face of God then, the church could have split, but like David says, if it were not for the Lord……I thank the Lord that he gave me staying power because the best was yet to unfold.

Skipping some things here and there let me go to the actual 777.
As a church we went through a time of preparation for this event. We fasted for 40 days, the last seven being dry fast. Today there are two scriptures that I don’t doubt because of the seven days of dry fasting. One the grace is sufficient, two the Lord is my strength, am talking about physical strength here. My personal testimony comes from the actual 777 event. Man we had to dance through the entire worship session, before the event I kept wondering where in the world I was going to get the strength without food. Yet when 777 came we kept dancing before the Lord, on and on until the very end. God gave us supernatural strength; it felt nice knowing that this is not my strength but the Lord’s. My little mind thought Lord you’ve indeed done great things, but you know the one we serve is full of surprises. There came the rainbow, wow we had prayed for a sign, and here it came. Worshippers ululated, jumped, danced, wept, wailed, prayed, laughed, if you had ever wanted to witness acts of worship and prayers of all kinds, that day there were in full blast. Whichever prayers were said that day, I believe it’s just a matter of time and they are answered, the Lord was right there. You could smell his presence.

Oh my birthday, I hadn’t celebrated a birthday in my entire life time. Well this particular time, my G12 made me a cake, it was my first birth day cake, wow it felt great cutting my own cake. I can never forget the experience. Then my friends sang me a birthday song during overnight and at church, it was exciting, breath-taking and funny. And for the first time, I gave a testimony in church. Well if I must say, this was my best and happiest moment in 2007, I felt so free, cant even explain it, but I got a glimpse of the joy of the Lord. Hue and the gifts, cards, hugs and smiles. Lord please revenge on them all.Thanx.
During this time a friend of mine I hadn’t seen in like 5 years came over, she is a sweet person; it was just lovely seeing her again. God bless you, my sister.

Oh dear Lord, what have I forgotten. Abstinence pride. Well well we matched the streets of Kampala once again declaring purity in our nation. Homosexuals had previously matched demonstrating for rights, what a shame. They were clad in masks, am glad I didn’t have to hide behind a mask when matching for abstinence because I knew I was in for a worth cause. Glory to God! To all fellow abstainers, thumbs up, continue the fight. We are at war against AIDS and Jezebel!

December had its share of ups and downs, in all 12 months it was my hardest. There are times in this month when I felt like quitting, but hey the Lord is surely my strength. I was just wondering the other day, why the Lord made me get the name agogong early 2007, I can only conclude that he foresaw my experiences in 2007. Hue to all my 2007 buddies, thanks for providing me shoulders to lean on, you are the best. Though even in the valleys, the Lord still reigns. My Maama got saved, and three more family members. If there is any better way to end the year, this was my best. My Lord give them strength to stand, may they be deep-rooted, Thank you Lord, I love you.

2008 here I come! The year of new beginning:
Isaiah 43:18-19
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

This year I choose not to dwell on the past, if He promises to make springs in the desert, am going to drink water from them. You see the lord says he is not man that he should lie nor a son of man to change his mind, so guys if he says new beginnings, am jumping aboard his ship, through the storms, waves up until the seashore, am sure this captain is capable so am crossing over with him.

Happy new year to you all fellow bloggers!!!
I love you.